Schmied Enterprises is working on several New Tech projects.

We specialize in integrating projects for a fixed cost or retaining some equity.

This makes us rather an activist investor & tech construction company than a traditional startup.

This allows us to work with lower risks, more debt, less equity and a bigger scope.

Systems integration pricing and business conduct.
→ Pricing & Business Conduct is a digital advertising and search platform. brings low cost high relevance advertising for the tail of the advertising market.
→ Pitch Deck

Alpine Vault is a hardware VPN solution that defines the next generation of cloud connectivity for remote productivity.
→ Engineering Specification - Open source prepaid cloud services, a front page for our partners. provides fully isolated scalable, serverless workloads designed to be the edge of the 2030s.
→ Try codebase on our Botanical Dollar Cloud
→ Our Vision
→ Our Weekly Vision Magazine

Codec21 - Patented Media Codec for our Botanical Cloud Services, Industrial Applications, and Embedded Solutions.
Environment friendly low engineering cost displays of the 2030s.
→ Botanical Cloud℠ Design Principles
→ Moose Assist Audio Call Engineering Reference For No-os Phones
→ Codec21 Reference Implementation
→ Codec21 Patent
→ Codec21 Patent Licensing Offer for 2023

Codename "Recharge Inn" is a Solar Station with integrated consumers as
The Recharge Inn, containers on rails for Batteries, Hydrogen Generation, Datacenters, and the Manufacturing Cloud.
→ Business Plan
→ Reference

We offer Silicon Valley Location services for an hourly fee for new companies and employees.
→ Please contact us.

→ Business? Please contact us.

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